Creative Wayfinding For Ambitious Optimists.

Popular Posts

A collection of the most read posts on this site. 

Updated January 2021.

1. 5 Ways To Fix Your Podcast’s Discoverability Problem

A lot gets made over podcasting’s so-called “Discoverability Problem,” the perceived difficulty of allowing listeners to easily […]

2. Two Ingredients For Podcasting Success

There’s a lot you need to know when it comes to launching and growing a podcast that achieves the goals you mapped out for it […]

3. The Real Metrics Of Effective Marketing

Let’s be honest, numbers are sexy. Ok, maybe not sexy sexy, but for people like us who create things in the hope that people will […]

4. Why Podcasts Are Built on Compounding Returns

Even while I was still in high school, my parents drilled home the value of starting to invest for retirement early. Even $25 […]

5. Draw Your Podcast’s Roadmap

Let me guess, there’s more you feel like you need to be doing to improve your show than you possibly have time to do. Sound […]

6. There Are No Shortcuts

How often have you been driving, and, frustrated with the ridiculously roundabout way Google planned out your trip […]

7. Best In The World?

There’s can only be one best in the world, and it had better be you. Whether it’s your business, your podcast, your book […]

8. The Hard Stuff

Most of us want to do the work. We thrive on the feeling of meeting a worthy challenge and our best self rising up to […]

9. How to Unlock Unlimited Content for Your Niche Podcast Audience

You’re probably not the only podcaster serving your niche. By now, there are a handful, if not dozens, or even hundreds of podcasts […]

10. This Will Do, For Now

Nothing you ever create will be as good as you know it could be. You might not possess the expertise, vision or resources to improve […]

11. Good Marketing Starts with Empathy

All good marketing starts with empathy for your audience. It’s easy to nod along to this concept but harder to […]

12. Shit-Disturbing: A Beginners Guide For Creatives + Visionaries

Let’s face it. You’re a shit-disturber. A contrarian. An instigator. Maybe you’re not getting in bar fights every weekend […]

13. The 5 Pillars of Real Marketing

Marketing has an optics problem. When most people think about marketing, their minds are instantly filled with […]

14. What Does It Mean to Serve Your Audience?

Right up there alongside, “providing value,” on the list of overused and under-applied marketing buzzwords is the idea of […]

15. What We Carry With Us

Every month or so, I pack my life up into a suitcase. It’s a pretty smooth routine by now. The items I bring with me remain […]


Hi, I'm Jeremy, I'm glad you're here.

No matter what you create, I'm guessing you spend a good amount of time feeling lost, hopeless, and unsure about how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

So do I. And so does everyone doing creative work.

This is the Creative Wilderness.

Every week, I publish a new article in my Creative Wayfinding newsletter about how we as creators and marketers can navigate it with more clarity and confidence.

If you're building something that matters, but aren't quite sure how to take the next step forward, I'd be honoured to have you join us.