We all want more interesting in our lives.
We want interesting friends, to work with interesting clients or for interesting organizations, do interesting things, eat interesting food, read interesting books and have interesting conversations. The list could go on for a long time.
Few of us want more boring, more average, more mundane in our lives, and many of us go to great lengths to escape them.
Perhaps most of all, we want to be seen by others as interesting.
And with good reason. Interesting people attract interesting people, interesting opportunities, and as a result, end up leading interesting lives.
So how to become interesting? This list is a start.
- Rather than striving to be “the best” in a pursuit, strive to be the very best version of you.
- Learn broadly about a number of subjects, but deeply about a few.
- Do interesting things in an interesting way.
- Develop an eye for interesting people and brands. Engage with them. Study them.
- Get curious.
- Then follow your curiosity.
- Get good at doing.
- Talk to people.
- You don’t need to avoid what everyone else is doing, but you do need to go further beyond it.
- Seek to understand people and ideas you don’t agree with.
- Try things.
- Challenge yourself.
- Cultivate boredom.
- Bring enthusiasm to the things you care about.
- Be shameless in your likes, interests and activities.
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