Creative Wayfinding For Ambitious Optimists.

Creating = Being

March, 26, 2021

We often think about our work as occupying one distinct space in our lives.

It has its role, time, and place in our day that it doesn’t extend beyond.

If it is extending outside the box we’ve put it in, we might actually fight to cram it back in, feeling as though our work is taking over our lives, that we’re losing any semblance of work/life balance.

This is a healthy mentality when working a job we’d rather not be doing.

But if the same mentality persists when it comes to the creative work we truly care about, we’ve got it backwards.

That’s not to say we should all become workaholics and spend every minute of the day at our computers.

But creativity is more than a thing we do.

It’s how we are.

Who we are.

What we are.

Creating work (and a life) that matters is about making connections.

To and between people, ideas, thoughts, and experiences.

And we’re surrounded by all of these every day, maybe even more so when we’re away from our desks.

Connections waiting to be made, if we can just dial in to the right frequency.

Living our work is not about always being in work mode, answering emails, and checking our analytics at 11 pm from our phones while lying in bed.

It’s about staying receptive, curious, drawing connections between the little moments, noticings, thoughts, and experiences of day-to-day life, and the bigger ideas they might tie into.

A life lived creatively fuels our work and vice versa.

Both of them becoming better, more useful, and more fulfilling in the process.

So what’s one way you can live your creative work more fully?



Hi, I'm Jeremy, I'm glad you're here.

No matter what you create, I'm guessing you spend a good amount of time feeling lost, hopeless, and unsure about how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

So do I. And so does everyone doing creative work.

This is the Creative Wilderness.

Every week, I publish a new article in my Creative Wayfinding newsletter about how we as creators and marketers can navigate it with more clarity and confidence.

If you're building something that matters, but aren't quite sure how to take the next step forward, I'd be honoured to have you join us.