We’re all in a continual process of becoming.
Each day, evolving or devolving a little further into the person we’ll be tomorrow.
The change is exquisitely subtle.
Perhaps better measured on the timescale of glaciers.
But as sure as the glaciers eventually reach and crumble into the sea,
Or shrink and melt to nothing, short of their destination,
Each of us too will reach our end.
Our fate, whether to reach our destined sea, or wither away before,
Rests in the hands of today.
Who we choose to be guides who we will become.
Books, people, ideas, and beliefs embed themselves in us.
Becoming part of us.
Creating us.
And our work.
Which then embeds itself in others.
Who we choose to be, today and forever will always be within our power,
To nudge, guide, nurture,
Or scrap and start again.
Tend who you are becoming.
It’s the only choice that really matters.