Creative Wayfinding For Ambitious Optimists.

Rethinking Your Big Break

April, 16, 2022

🧭 This blog post is adapted from my Creative Wayfinding Newsletter.

We spend so much time thinking about The Big Break.

We love to ask and hear about the moment things changed for the creators we aspire to be like.

And we spend more time than we might like to admit anticipating, fretting, and wondering about whether this will be the post or episode or newsletter or launch that blows up and puts our name on the map.

Of course, as creators, we’re already well aware that every overnight success is built on years of unheralded work.

But maybe we’ve already put in those years of unheralded work and feel we’re due.

Maybe we are.

Maybe we’re not.

Regardless, it’s worth reconsidering our conception of The Big Break.

Because the singular moment of success we often associate with it is simply an Echo Effect, a result of an earlier action now reflecting back to us.

Which means that what we think of as The Big Break isn’t actually The Big Break at all. It’s simply the echo of it.

So what is the real Big Break, then?

Maybe it’s the point at which we break with the mindsets, beliefs, and actions we’ve relied on so far and set out on a new path.

Maybe it’s the point at which we stop relying on others to guide our work and rely on our inner compass instead.

Maybe it’s not a point of arrival but of beginning.

Which means that our Big Break is within our power to make whenever we’re ready.

Explore how to navigate a creative life that matters

This article originally appeared in my weekly Creative Wayfinding Newsletter. Each issue is the product of a week of work, and contains something not available for sale.

A fresh perspective, a shot of encouragement when you need it most, and maybe even some genuine wisdom from time to time.

Each week, we explore a different facet of the question “How do we navigate the wilds of creating work that matters?”

It’s something I’m proud to create and I’d be honoured to share it with you.



    Hi, I'm Jeremy, I'm glad you're here.

    No matter what you create, I'm guessing you spend a good amount of time feeling lost, hopeless, and unsure about how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

    So do I. And so does everyone doing creative work.

    This is the Creative Wilderness.

    Every week, I publish a new article in my Creative Wayfinding newsletter about how we as creators and marketers can navigate it with more clarity and confidence.

    If you're building something that matters, but aren't quite sure how to take the next step forward, I'd be honoured to have you join us.