We spend so much of our time seeking out the right answers to our problems.
“What’s the right way to grow my audience?”
“What’s the right content to create for my podcast?”
“What’s the right price to charge for my offer?”
The problem is that “right” implies a singular answer.
And when we’re fixated on finding only the single very best answer to our question, we become paralyzed, unwilling to commit until we know that our effort will not be wasted.
What if instead, we accepted that there are no right answers, only questions to be explored.
By taking up the role of explorer, we open ourselves up to stumbling across answers to our questions we would have otherwise never found.
Maybe the thing that ends up working best for us, only works for us, but is the thing that ends up making our work singular.
What a shame if by settling for someone else’s right answer, we never landed on the thing that would truly set our work apart.
Spend less time seeking answers and more time exploring the questions.
Explore how to navigate a creative life that matters
This article originally appeared in my weekly Creative Wayfinding Newsletter. Each issue is the product of a week of work, and contains something not available for sale.
A fresh perspective, a shot of encouragement when you need it most, and maybe even some genuine wisdom from time to time.
Each week, we explore a different facet of the question “How do we navigate the wilds of creating work that matters?”
It’s something I’m proud to create and I’d be honoured to share it with you.