On the days your fingers won’t lift the pencil, your voice catches in your throat and your legs can’t bear your weight to move you forward,
This will not be the end of you.
When the deadlines close in and the well is dry,
This will not be the end of you.
When you find yourself one-upped, outshone, and embarrassed,
This will not be the end of you.
When the project flops, when no one shows up, when you play to an empty arena,
This will not be the end of you.
When you feel the grip in your gut of stress, burnout, and exhaustion,
This will not be the end of you.
Through success, failure or sheer indifference,
This will not be the end of you.
No matter to financial or creative pressure you’re under,
This will not be the end of you.
No matter what the trolls, critics, hell, even your friends and family say,
This will not be the end of you.
No matter how confused, how small, how utterly hopeless you feel right now,
This will not be the end of you.
No matter how downtrodden, defeated and devoid of direction,
This will not be the end of you.
You’ll live to create again.
You have more left to give.
Something of value that somebody, somewhere needs to hear.
This is not the end of you.
It’s simply the start of the next iteration.

Explore how to navigate a creative life that matters
This article originally appeared in my weekly Listen Up Newsletter. Each issue is the product of a week of work, and contains something not available for sale.
Fresh perspective, a shot of encouragement when you need it most, and maybe even some genuine wisdom from time to time.
Each week, we explore a different facet of the question “How do we navigate the wilderness of creating work that matters?”
It’s something I’m proud to create and I’d be honoured to share it with you.