The clue to your next step is almost always in front of you already.
The tiniest, shimmering thread of an idea,
Waiting for the light to catch it just right and attract your gaze.
When it does, you realize that you’ve looked past it, around it, over it, and straight through it a hundred times before.
But you’ve never really seen it.
At least not for what it is.
Once glimpsed, however, it becomes impossible to ignore.
Somehow, it both compels and cows you.
Who’s to say where it will lead, after all.
It could be the ticket to your next big breakthrough.
It could unravel everything you’ve built with the slightest tug.
Making you realize that what you mistook for solid ground beneath you
Was little more than cloud, bound tightly by hope and ignorance and belief.
Unspool as they might, the world you’ve constructed for yourself,
Followed far enough, these threads always lead back to something solid.
Rock bottom, bedrock, mountaintop?
It matters not.
A foundation to build from,
Or an anchor to pull towards.
Anything worth building requires a solid reference.
The threads leading the way are already in front of you
If you’re brave enough to pull.