It’s a worthwhile question to ask for anyone looking to grow a podcast.
Of course, there are the million (and counting) other podcasts against whom you’re competing for listener’s time. But it doesn’t end there.
Most people who listen to podcasts probably also spend at least some of their time watching Netflix. They probably spend some of their time listening to music. They may spend time reading or listening to books.
As a podcaster, you’re not competing against other podcasts. You’re competing against all the media in the world.
Standing out in a Content Bubble
We’re in the midst of an ever-growing content bubble, with more and more free or cheap content of incredible quality showing up every day. With all this choice, you need an answer to the question.
Why should someone listen to you?
It might seem like it’s a lost cause, that there’s no point in competing against the Netflixes, HBOs, Disneys, and Apples of the world, and depending on the type of show you want to create, that might be true. You’re not going to beat any of these media machines at their own game.
But you don’t need to.
The answer to the question of how to create a show that is worthy of people’s attention is to not make a show for everyone, but to make a show for a tiny sliver of people, the smallest viable audience as Seth Godin likes to say.
Something to Everyone vs Everything to Someone
The answer to the question is to speak more knowingly, more intimately, more familiarly to your group of people than anyone else could possibly do.
Media companies need to go broad, they need millions of consumers to support their massive overheads.
But you don’t.
You need a small number of people who care so much about the work that you do and the show you create to chip in a small amount of money each, and you can make a comfortable living off of your work.
This isn’t to say niching down is the only thing that matters. Your work needs to be good, there’s no escaping that. You need to be the absolute best option in the world for the people you serve when it comes to the topic of your content.
But it doesn’t need to be Netflix-good.
You can do what Netflix can’t. Go small, go intimate, go personal.
Find ten people who you can be the one and only to and treat them like your livelihood depends on them.
Because it just might.
Show up consistently with high-quality, ultra-relevant content and they’ll spread the word for you.
You won’t have to justify or pitch or sell why someone should listen to you anymore, because your audience will do it for you.
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It’s something I’m proud to create and I’d be honoured to deliver it to you. If you’d like me to share it with you please subscribe here.
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