You might feel like you have nothing worth sharing.
No knowledge, no insight, definitely no wisdom.
Even the subjects in which you feel most competent already have all the information anyone could ever need readily available, and for free no less.
There’s certainly no room left for you to add anything new or contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way.
Here’s the thing.
We all walk around thinking everyone else knows at least as much as–if not more than–we do.
We think everyone sees the world the way we do, thinks the way we do, and makes decisions the way we do.
But they don’t.
Sometimes you don’t realize you have something to share until you start sharing.
Sometimes you don’t realize you have something to teach until you start teaching.
Sometimes you don’t realize your voice is unique until you start speaking.
So speak up, share what you have to share, teach what you have to teach, even if it’s been said and taught before.
No one will say it like you do, or teach it like you teach.
You have something to give.
So give.
Every Sunday I publish an exclusive article on my newsletter that hopefully provides a new perspective, encouragement, and maybe even some occasional wisdom.
It’s something I’m proud to create and I’d be honoured to deliver it to you. If you’d like me to share it with you please subscribe here.
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