You don’t have the brains or raw talent of some of your competition.
You don’t have the head start, the level of privilege, the auspicious beginnings.
You don’t have the funding, the connections, the support.
But only you have your eye, your perspective, and your heart.
We all start with less than someone else did, maybe even our direct competition. We can complain about it, use it as an excuse as to why we can’t do what they’ve done.
Or we can decide that we don’t want to do what they’ve done. We can work with what we were given and make something remarkable for a specific group of people who are looking for what we have to offer.
Besides, just as surely as someone had a headstart on us, there’s someone behind us who started with even less, but who isn’t going to let that stop them from making an impact.
Use what you have and make something worth talking about.
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